charcoal drawing

This free and random fragment holds a mysterious meaning I think. Whether I develop it further, creating a print, I can't say but something about it speaks to me. It's these responses that, as artists, we have to remain open to. My generation was brought up on Abstract Expressionism of Robert Motherwell, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman etc. and perhaps that influence is always there.

Date: 27/11/2019

charcoal drawing

This free and random fragment holds a mysterious meaning I think. Whether I develop it further, creating a print, I can't say but something about it speaks to me. It's these responses that, as artists, we have to remain open to. My generation was brought up on Abstract Expressionism of Robert Motherwell, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman etc. and perhaps that influence is always there.

Date: 27/11/2019