Snow Garden

card relief print on cartridge paper

This print uses the extreme contrast of the white and black areas to describe form. I like the way a fresh fall of snow softens and refreshes shapes in the garden creating ephemeral sculpture. Even a wheelie bin becomes a more beautiful object with its soft cap of snow.

Winter, for wild birds, increases the struggle for survival. As the hungry feed from scraps on the bird table, a black cat imposes its shape on the white lawn.

Snow Garden

card relief print on cartridge paper

This print uses the extreme contrast of the white and black areas to describe form. I like the way a fresh fall of snow softens and refreshes shapes in the garden creating ephemeral sculpture. Even a wheelie bin becomes a more beautiful object with its soft cap of snow.

Winter, for wild birds, increases the struggle for survival. As the hungry feed from scraps on the bird table, a black cat imposes its shape on the white lawn.