presses two

A page of ideas using the form of a press or cupboard. A sculptural idea of a bulk on two thin legs. Coming from one of those vague images in the mind's eye, the development began with the drawing in the top left corner. The skulls contained in this image were left out of further studies. I like the idea of suggesting a three- dimensional object yet presenting it in a very frontal manner. The viewer is left to imagine the sides and construction which are not shown.

presses two

A page of ideas using the form of a press or cupboard. A sculptural idea of a bulk on two thin legs. Coming from one of those vague images in the mind's eye, the development began with the drawing in the top left corner. The skulls contained in this image were left out of further studies. I like the idea of suggesting a three- dimensional object yet presenting it in a very frontal manner. The viewer is left to imagine the sides and construction which are not shown.